a chemical element that is a valuable, shiny, yellow metal used to make coins and jewellery: made of gold: an amount of money that a person who has been accused of a crime pays to a law。
八字排盤 中華易經命理網訪問人次:
是坤坤 (shì kūn kūn)是坤坤的意思坤坤は中国のとある男子アイドル(蔡徐坤)のニックネームです。 あ、坤坤だ という意味です。|a meme in China 坤坤 is the nickname 坤坤 is an amateur in palying basketball. And then 是坤坤 is widely used to call someone amateur
樹馬齒莧(學名:Portulacaria afra),又名馬齒莧樹、銀杏木、金枝玉葉、小葉燕子掌、幸運樹,是龍樹科马齿苋樹属植物,原產於南非。